Small Business Resources
If this web page helps you understand how to open, run or close your business, if you learn more about your taxes and you find these linked resources valuable, please “Like” us on Facebook and refer other Self Employed people to this webpage. Also if you have suggestions for additional Small Business resources that are not currently listed here please let us know.
We specialize in Sole Proprietor and Small Business tax returns and enjoy exchanging ideas with our entrepreneur-clients to help them grow their business. Our clients will often give us a call when making important financial and tax decisions just to gain additional thoughts and ideas. This page offers many answers to the tough questions small business owners ask whether their business is just starting out, continuing on or about to close. Please use these direct links to get fast answers whether you are looking for a business class or need answers to your most troublesome questions.
FREE Sole Proprietor and Small Business Classes and Workshops:
- IRS Small Business Tax Center, Webinars and Streaming Online Video Classes
- IRS Small Business Taxes: The Virtual Workshop
- Small Business Administration Online Courses, Counseling and Mentoring, Loans and Grants and Business Plan Course
- SCORE Online and Local workshops plus Finding a Mentor or Chapter
- California EDD Payroll Seminars
- California BOE Seminars
Free IRS Industries and Professions Resources Page that includes Tax Tips, Financial Resources, and overall Trends and Statistics for many industries such as automotive, child care, construction, online auction sellers, real estate, restautants, trucking and (really) a lot more.
Starting Your Business: [IRS] Checklist, Taxes, Structures, Retirement Plans and more
Starting Your Business: [SBA] Creating, Naming, Financing, Locating, Business Plan and more
Operating Your Business:
- Operating your Business
- Deducting Business Expenses and Record Keeping Requirements
- Businesses With Employees and Employment Taxes
- Hiring Employees, Husband and Wife Businesses, Hiring Your Family
- Income Tax, Self-Employment Tax, Employee Payroll Tax and Excise Tax
Closing Your Business:
- Closing Your Business [IRS]
- Financing The Sale
- Closing a Small Business [SBA].
Business Entities:
- Choosing a Business Entity (Businss Structures)
- Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, C Corporations, S Corporations and Limited Liability Companies
Employee Benefits:
- Are your CA Employee Benefits taxable?.
Small Business Retirement Plans:
- Federal Employer Identification Numbers and the SS-4 Online Application Form
- An IRS Withholding Tax Calculator — helps calculate Federal Income Tax Withholding.
About Audits: An IRS Comprehensive Video Series about Audits
Audit Technique Guides (ATGs) — Detailed IRS audit methods and techniques used for specific Industries or Professions:
These guides show how IRS auditors audit the more common industries and professions. They provide required techniques and checklists to insure the auditor performs a thorough examination. Thus individuals who are being audited (as well as tax professionals) can learn what to expect during an audit and how to prepare. The first step is to organize your receipts correctly which will accomplish two goals. First the auditor will appreciate you helping to use your time together efficiently. And second, you will have more time to focus on answering the auditor’s questions. If your occupation is not shown please select the Complete Listing which will take you directly to the IRS ATG complete listing. And call if you would like a copy of my document entitled, “How To Organize Your Receipts For An Audit”.